Some crackhead breaks into a dude's house and he takes a shot at him, wounding an innocent bystander in the process. The dude was looking for drugs, specifically "Rapture" which he claims the Reverend sold to him out of the funeral parlor. Big Jim returns to his house to see a new character, Max (Natalie Zea). Apparently they were partners in this whole drug operation, and she's been kinda hiding out in the dome for the last week or so. But now she's ready to chat. She convinces Big Jim to start a "guns-for-food" type of program, where people can "voluntarily" exchange their guns for food/water/propane. It seems like a lot of people are participating.
Meanwhile, we realize that Barbie and Max know each other! And they used to bang. Awesome. Julia takes Barbie to go look at the mini dome, but it's gone strangely missing. Joe and Norrie spend most of the episode looking for it, only to find that Joe himself sleep-carried it into the barn. Joe, Norrie, and Angie all put their hands on the dome, and a mystery hand shape lights up, showing that a fourth person is required. Who is the fourth hand!?
Barbie finds drug paraphernalia in the funeral home (shocker) and Linda investigates the propane storage. Apparently propane is the "secret ingredient" in the manufacturing of "Rapture" and that's why they're keeping it all stored up. Max isn't going anywhere, especially now that she has Barbie wrapped around her little finger with the real story of Julia's husband's demise. And Big Jim seems pretty whipped as well. Until next week!
[Sorry that these recaps continue to be SO late, but we still don't have CBS on TimeWarner here in NYC, so I have to wait 4 days to watch on Amazon Prime! I hope this gets solved soon]
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