Monday, May 27, 2019

Sinister 2 (2015)

So we're all on the same page that Sinister rocked, right? And you know they weren't going to let that go without a sequel, right?  So no more Ethan Hawke, but James Ransone reprises his role as the deputy.

Single mom Courtney is living at the Oswald's former house with her twin sons, Dylan and Zach.  Dylan is visited at night by the ghost children we know from Sinister and is made to watch the eerie home movies of various children being murdered.  Like why do these little ghosts think that forcing children to watch these creepy ass videos is a good way to make friends? ;)

The deputy, now private investigator and Bughuul-obsessive is trying to break the chain of murders by burning down each house where they happen.  But he's unable to continue his plan once he arrives at the latest house to find Courtney living there.  There's also an abusive husband in the mix, making it difficult for the deputy to save the family from their imminent demise.

As in Sinister, it comes time for the current family/chosen child to make the movie.  Will the plan be thwarted, or does Bughuul win again?  This sequel was actually a lot like the original, just with different characters, but it was alright.  The ending leaves an opening for Sinister 3, which was apparently planned, but shelved due to the poor performance of the sequel.


-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Strange. How the peepow who promote
these fliks dont have any fear yet
they, too, shall bite-the-dust.