Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Stand (1994) - The Stand

It's really hard to find a variety of pictures for this movie.  Weird considering it's so long. 

We're at the final episode.  Four guys from Boulder are heading into Vegas to face Flagg, while three people are still there undercover.  Tom Cullen is helping out at the military base, Dayna is banging Lloyd, and for some reason, Judge Farris is still making his way over there.  Dayna is such a badass.  I want snap-on knives that I can hide under lingerie.  And awesome outfit to go see Flagg...a see-through dress with some sort of cape.  Anyway, I digress.

Apparently, Nadine was a lot less caring about Harold than he hoped she would be.  So she's headed west solo on her little pink Vespa on a quest to get impregnated by Satan.  Sounds like a plan.  The marriage is consummated and Nadine looks quite worse for wear as they head back to Vegas.

Meanwhile Trashcan Man is running around the desert searching for bombs, and as we know, that is not the best idea to do without protective gear.  The results are not pretty.

Stu, Larry, Glen and Ralph are traveling on foot across the country and it's really just a sad and stressful time.  This is also where the movie starts to lean on the God/religion angle a little too heavily but I think that's the fault of several Stephen King works, in my opinion. 

As Mother Abigail predicted, only three make it to Vegas to face Flagg (but I won't spoil which ones) and the battle of good vs. evil is ON.  It goes down in a dramatic and overly religious fashion, but that's to be expected.  There is a duo who has a triumphant return to Boulder, but I won't let that secret out either ;o)

All in all, a solid movie.  King's best, in my opinion.