Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Movie News: First Pictures from The Walking Dead Season 2

It seemed like so long ago when I was at a Walking Dead panel where the cast revealed that writing had just begun on Season 2 and nothing was set as of yet.

And now, mere months later, we have our first still from Season 2.  Nothing earth shattering, but it's just a good feeling to know that the show is moving along.  Can't wait to see the Walking Dead crew back in action!

Frank Darabont is psyched as well!  Frank tells Dread Central: "At this moment I'm standing on a stretch of post-apocalypse interstate in Georgia littered with abandoned cars and blessing my good luck to be reunited with our amazing cast and our fantastic directors and crew. Across the board there are none better. It's great to be shooting again. I think we've embarked on a great season."

Yay zombies!

photo source


Sean Thomas Fisher said...

This season is going to be awesome! I hope Merle and Morgan get way more screen time this year. Last season they were harder to find than White Walkers in Game of Thrones.