Saturday, January 8, 2011

Movie News: Night of the Little Dead

This isn't even on IMDB yet, and the website says "coming soon" but luckily for us, Bill Moseley is an avid Twitterer.  This has been filming outside of LA for about a week now, and boy does it have a hodge-podge cast. 

This flick stars Bill Moseley, Erica Taylor, Gary Morgan, Adam Savage, Penn Jillette, Martin Klebba, and James Hurley.  There's not much on the plot yet, but the tag line is "It's the little things that getcha."

This movie is coming to us from Ghost Works and you can follow them on Twitter @NgtofLtlDed and like them on Facebook at Night of the Little Dead.  I'm excited for more to come on this one!