Friday, June 25, 2010

Movie News: Eli Roth gives us a Thanksgiving update!

Eli Roth is out pimping his new flick, The Last Exorcism, which recieved a disappointing PG-13 rating.  Next up on his plate is Endangered Species, but of course, all I'm concerned with is the state of Thanksgiving.  The Bear Jew himself spills a bit on the project. 


“I’ve been a little busy with finishing up The Last Exorcism, and Inglorious Basterds took up more of my time than I’d anticipated,” communicated Roth, “but my co-writer is working on the script and he’s supposed to come out this summer so that we can finish it together. We are outlining it right now, and so far in the first twelve pages we have thirty-nine kills, so we have to cut back a little! It’s a little too much! But yes, it’s an idea that doesn’t let me sleep at night, so I have to do it before I die, or my life will be a failure.”

Woohoo!  Something horror fans are actually anticipating is moving forward!  Perhaps a holiday 2011 release? (maybe that's too ambitious, but a girl can dream)

photo source


reggiebot said...

Oh please let it be true! I just hope he doesn't put Peaches in it!Unless he kills her 12 times! Ha ha

James Gracey said...

Had no idea Roth ever planned to make this into a feature length flick. Great stuff!

Jose Cruz said...

I'm stuffed with more excitement than a turkey's rectum. Cannot wait for this! Thanks for the news!